

i am so behind it's ridiculous. why? the internet decided to die.
but i just wanted to let you all know, all six of you, that i will get the internet on my comuter very soon. attempting to type on this french key board is painful.
(qtten;^ting to zrite on this key fre,ch boqrd is pqinful:) thats what it is like typing on it.
anyway, i feel like im running out of time over here only é months but i think i might stay longer still dont know yet.
any thoughts?


  1. you better update! it's been ages. I just wanted to let you know I found a home video last night in which I am two and you are three and we are the craziest things I have ever seen.

  2. Oh btw lots of people read your blog not just 6!
    update it you frenchie
